Monday, September 30, 2013

The Creator

Scripture - Psalms 104:24,25 Lord, you have made many things; with your wisdom you made them all. The earth is full of your riches. Look at the sea, so big and wide, with creatures large and small that cannot be counted.

Observation - The Lord has made so many things; animals, plants, mountains, oceans, etc. They show his character. By the things he has made, he reveals life. The creatures, great and small, are so unique in their characteristics. God must have a sense of humor also. Some creatures are outright funny looking, and He made so many things. In his wisdom, He created them.

Application - When I look at or observe the things God made, I will think on the wisdom of God. Everything He created has purpose, not matter how unimportant it may seem to us. His is wiser than man.

Prayer - Father, help me to see your light in all that you created. May I always remember your wisdom when I see all that you have made. Amen.

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