Sunday, September 15, 2013

Good and Perfect Gifts

Scripture - James 1:16-17  My dear brothers and sisters, do not be fooled about this. 17 Every good action and every perfect gift is from God. These good gifts come down from the Creator of the sun, moon, and stars, who does not change like their shifting shadows.

Observation - Wow to think that the Creator of the Universe, as vast as it is, cares enough about his children to give them good and perfect gifts. He loves us so very much. The best gift he gave to any of us is his son, Yeshua. He also gives us gifts of family and friends. While the Father gives us his wonderful gifts, let us remember him as Creator and the Lover of Our Souls. He knows what is best for each person's life. Sometimes we look at others and what they have and are jealous. But Yahweh knows what he is doing. He gives each of us a set of circumstances to show us that he loves us. 

Application - I will be so grateful for the good and perfect gifts that Yahweh has given to me. He has blessed me with a wonderful husband, six beautiful children, and 13 grandchildren, and many that I call "friends." But most of all, he sent his Son Yeshua to save me and the Holy Spirit to help me. He has also given His Word to guide me along this path through my life. What more could I ask for?

Prayer - Father, thank you for the gifts that you have given to me. Let me always remember that they are blessings. Help me to focus on the positive not negatives in those around me. In Yeshua's name. Amen.

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