Saturday, August 31, 2013

Sin and a Curling Iron - Dogs and Faith

So, this week had trials for me. Sometimes life is full of them. There are spiritual lessons to be gleaned from trials in our lives. The first thing that happened to me was that I got burnt by my curling iron on Tuesday. As my arm (by the elbow) was grazed by the hot iron, I thought it would be okay. But, after three days of having a bandaid and neosporin on it, the healing process just wasn't happening. So, on Friday evening, I headed to the urgent care. The doctor said it was infected and prescribed some antibiotics.

Life lesson - The curling iron was an external force foreign to my body. Even though it has its purpose, if not used correctly, it can cause harm. Sometimes we let external forces influence us and they cause us spiritual harm. Just like I thought my arm would be okay, the heat of the iron caused damage. The full blown infection wasn't seen for a few days. I tried using external medication and covering it to expedite the healing process. But once infection had entered, it needed treatment from internal medicine. This is so much like sin in our lives. We try to cover it up (as with the bandaid) and heal it from the outside. But the healing must come from the Holy Spirit moving inside our very being and ridding us of the organisms that have entered due to carelessness and neglect.

The second thing that happened was that there was a thunder storm. We live in the desert, so it doesn't rain much. But when it does, there is usually alot of thunder, lightening, and wind. We have three dogs; Paco, Hope, and Gizmo. Paco is a black chow mix and gets totally freaked out by storms and wind. He has, on several occasions, chewed through wood fences and even door jams because of his fear. Hope is a white elderly poodle who is deaf and doesn't have many teeth left. Gizzy is the ugliest dog I have ever seen, but he is lovable. He is part chihuahua. When the wind started to blow and the storm was upon them, Paco just wanted out of the situation. Because he was so fearful, he rammed the gate open to the front yard. This made it so that all of the dogs were out of the backyard. Paco and Gizzy had enough sense to stay in the front yard, but Hope (who has always tried to get out of the yard and run) ran off. It is over 24 hours since she left, and we don't know where she is. Hopefully the pound picked her up and we will check after the weekend.

Life lesson - If you can think of the dogs as people (which I know they are not), there is a lesson here. Paco was totally motivated by fear, and it affected Hope's destiny. We, as believers in Yeshua (Jesus), must not be motivated by fear. Our faith is key to our destiny. So, just remember to walk in faith. And if you need more, you can find it in the Word of God. Faith comes by hearing the Word of God.

Be blessed brothers and sisters. Hopefully this ministers to someone.

Under a New Priesthood - Yeshua

Scripture - I Kings 13:33  After this incident, King Jeroboam did not stop doing evil. He continued to choose priests for the places of worship from among all the people. Anyone who wanted to be a priest for the places of worship was allowed to be one. In this way the family of Jeroboam sinned, and this sin caused its ruin and destruction from the earth.

Observation - Just because a person wanted to be a priest wasn't a good enough reason in God's eyes. God had standards for the priests in the temple. He required holiness and the person had to be above reproach to serve and they had to be born into the bloodline of the priests.

Application - We are saved through the bloodline of Yeshua. We can serve the Lord without condemnation. We are supposed to press on and follow the Lord until our destiny has been reached. So brothers and sisters, continue to follow Yahweh.

Prayer - Father, thank you that I can serve you in worship - not because of who I am or what I have done. It is only through what Yeshua accomplished on the cross that I can go into the place of worship and lead others in that place. Amen.

From Pat's Pen - Mature Ones in Christ Disciple New Believers

Scripture - 2 Corinthians 11:3 But I am afraid lest as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds should be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.

Observation - Satan fooled Eve into believing she could progress further spiritually apart from the Word of God. She could obtain (spiritual) knowledge of good and evil even though it might violate or neglect something that God had commanded. After all, how could God deny her the deeper spirituality - that wouldn't be fair.

Many in the church are led astray from "the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ" in the search for a spiritual experience. They believe the simple and pure devotion to Christ is for the baby Christian. The mature Christian can venture in "Holy Spirit" power. Whereas the mature Christian may be established enough to walk in God's Spirit and power the danger comes when a church body is created for this "mature Christian" experience. What happens when new believers are created in such a church? They will lack foundation and base their devotion on experience and feelings.

Application - Every church needs to be prepared to teach and disciple new believers in the elemental things of their faith. Believers need to be taught NEVER to stray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ. Churches need to begin such a ministry with mature Christians who will not throw "spiritually advanced" things on their disciples, but will stand beside them and nurture them on the foundational principles of our faith - our relationship with Christ.

Prayer - Lord, you begin the work in each new believer. Your cross is the source of all grace we receive. Never let us stray far from that fountain of grace. It is there we find you waiting and nowhere else. Amen.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Do What Is Right

Scripture - I John 3: 7Little children, let no one deceive you! The one who does what is right is righteous, just as He is righteous. The one who commits[f] sin is of the Devil, for the Devil has sinned from the beginning. The Son of God was revealed for this purpose: to destroy the Devil’s works. Everyone who has been born of God does not sin,[g] because His[h] seed remains in him; he is not able to sin,[i] because he has been born of God. 10 This is how God’s children—and the Devil’s children—are made evident.

Observation - How do we know who is right with Yahweh? This passage seems very clear. If we do what is right! It is very black and white in this passage. If you do right, then you are righteous. If you remain in sin, then you are not. Yeshua came to destroy the works of the evil one in our lives. He did this by his laying down his life for the sins of all mankind. When we accept this wonderful free gift, everything about our life should be touched. If we truly have the Holy Spirit (Ruach) living inside of us, sin should sicken our inmost being. The Father has planted his seed inside of us. We must be careful to take care of His seed. The Devil wants nothing more than to deceive us and make us think that we are unable to walk through life as the righteous seed of Yahweh. But we can, friends. 

Application - More and more each day, we need to find out how to walk out the righteous walk that Messiah prepared for us. Otherwise, his death and resurrection was in vain. It is my responsibility to nourish and nurture the seed given to me. This is totally doable friends through the power of the Ruach, prayer, and spending time in the Word of Yah.

Prayer - Father, help me to walk according to your righteous statutes by the leading of the Holy Spirit. Pour your Spirit over me and cause me to hunger and thirst for your righteousness. May your Word guide me into all truth. In the name of Yahshua. Amen.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Body In Action

Scripture - Philippians 2:34 When you do things, do not let selfishness or pride be your guide. Instead, be humble and give more honor to others than to yourselves. Do not be interested only in your own life, but be interested in the lives of others.

Observation - I choose to be selfish or truly interested in the well being of others. In the congregation especially we need to be concerned for others around us who may have needs. We must begin to communicate with each other (open our chests to each other), so we will know how to pray and help one another.

Application - I must choose not to be selfish but to be interested in others.

Prayer - Father, make me sensitive by the power of your Holy Spirit to the needs of those that you place in my path. Amen!

Hope for the Nation and the Church

From Pat's Pen (my husband is the author of this one)

Scripture - I Samuel 8:5 And they said to him, "Behold you have grown old and your sons do not walk in your ways. Now appoint a king for us to judge us like all nations."

Observation - The novelty of God's work through Samuel had grown old in Israel. The people could not see God's vision for their future - but they were all too aware of what the other nations were doing. They desired to do and to have, not what God wanted for them, but what the other nations did and what they had.

Application - There is an application for the church and for the nation from this. 1. Nation - this country is based on a representative democratic principle - people rule. As long as that people felt personally answerable to God, society could benefit from such a system. With God taken more and more out of society, the values which His presence ensured are removed. Values, which controlled a peoples vices and built up their virtues, are eliminated. After all the layers are stripped away, the rule of God is spurned for a submission to Satan. 2. Church (congregation) - the church tends to gravitate to novelty. Unfortunately, novelty more often than not tends to be how popular society/culture expresses itself. Our behavior (and programs) becomes indistinguishable from the world. Our sanctity and separation is non-existent. If the message of salvation begins appearing old and worn and boring, it is tweaked to be more acceptable. It should be US being "tweaked" so that we are more acceptable (or conformed) to what Yahweh wants us to be.

Prayer - God - your wisdom surpasses all mans' vain attempts of thought. Your intention are all for the good while my own heart is constantly prone to evil. Reveal your wisdom to me, to guide my own path and to give me words to speak in the teaching of others. I will have no other kings or gods before you. Where does my help come from - from You my God and King.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Turn From Sin and Sing


Scripture - Ephesians 5: 15Pay careful attention, then, to how you walk—not as unwise people but as wise— 16 making the most of the time,[e] because the days are evil. 17 So don’t be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. 18 And don’t get drunk with wine, which leads to reckless actions, but be filled by the Spirit:
19 speaking to one another
in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs,
singing and making music
from your heart to the Lord,
20 giving thanks always for everything
to God the Father
in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
submitting to one another
in the fear of Christ.

Observation - We live in an evil day brothers and sisters. The world we live in is a very dark place. There is no room for foolishness in our daily walk. Just like the above scriptures say, if we make the choice to intoxicate ourselves, the trail of heartache goes on and on. People around us get hurt by our actions and we sacrifice not only relationships, but our own well being. And most of all we sacrifice the wonderful life that God has planned for us. Yet there is hope. The hope is that as long as we have breath in our body, we can turn around and repent. When we do, our loving Father takes our hand and says "Come with me." Jesus said, "Come to me all who are burdened, and I will give you rest." 

Upon returning to God, we will find so much happiness, peace, love, and joy, that it will cause a new song in our heart. And our lives become a praise to our Lord Jesus (Yeshua). He is our King. The king of kings and Lord of Lords. His Holy Spirit will cause rivers of living water to flow through our very beings.

Application - There is no time left for reckless living. Here is the definition of reckless utterly unconcerned about the consequences of some action; without caution; 
careless  If you are living this kind of life - repent. To repent means  to feel such sorrow for sin or fault as to be disposed to change one's life for the better. Come home to the Father through the Son. He is waiting for you. At that point, there is singing to be done. Our lives are to be for the glory and praise of our Father. We all still have many trials to go through on this earth, but it is so much better to go through them holding on to Daddy's hand instead of lying on the ground kicking our feet when our life is all messed up.

Prayer - Father, thank you for giving your Holy Spirit to your children. You show us the way to go from a pitiful life to a life of praise. You show us the areas in our lives that need correction and bring us back into alignment with your glorious plan for our lives. Help me to focus on you and live my life with the beautiful song of your heart for your people. In Jesus Yeshua's name. Amen.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Living Stones Full of Purpose

Scripture - Romans 12 - 4 For just as there are many parts that compose one body, but the parts don’t all have the same function; so there are many of us, and in union with the Messiah we comprise one body, with each of us belonging to the others. But we have gifts that differ and which are meant to be used according to the grace that has been given to us.

Observation - Just as the Father created the human body with different parts and functions, so it is in the body of Yeshua. There are no cookie cutter believers. We are all so unique. The Bible says that he wove me together in the womb. Wow! That is so awesome! Does He know what He is doing? Of course He does. He is G_d! Even in the same way, he is building us all up in Messiah Yeshua. We may all be very different, but somehow we are all part of the body of Messiah. This means that we are all part of each other. The next verses of scripture go into the different gifts that we are given to function in the body. Some of these gifts are teaching, prophecy, counseling, exhortation, and giving. These gifts are given to people so that they can help others to grow spiritually. We all come to Yeshua through the blood sacrifice given at Calvary. But how do we live after we have come? Who will show us the way? The teachers, prophets, counselors, exhorters, etc. They are parts of the body to help us. Every stone in the building is important. (from Jim Staley's sermon on Sabbath). The big stones need the little stones to hold them in place. No one is without value in the kingdom of Yahweh. 

Application - We are to value each others' differences in backgrounds and giftings. There is no room for jealousy as we all have one purpose. The purpose is to bring others into the kingdom and help them to find their way through this life. Every stone is important. They are not all the same though, and shouldn't be expected to be the same. The Holy Spirit blows his breath on the children of Yahweh and gives them life. We must go forth by his Spirit and compel them to come in and learn of Him. 

Prayer - Father, help us to accept each other in the body. You have made each of us unique and for specific purpose. Grow us up in you Father. Use your children to show the world your glory. This world is a very dark place. Let us be your light to those around us without hope. In Yeshua's name. Amen.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Too Many Visits and Too Much Honey

Scripture - Proverbs 25:16, 17  If you find honey, eat only what you need;
    for if you eat too much of it, you may throw it up;
17 so don’t visit your neighbor too much,
    or he may get his fill of you and come to hate you.

Observation - I have contemplated on this verse many times in my life. It uses the analogy of eating too much honey and visiting your neighbor too much. When we eat too much honey, it makes us sick. In much the same way when we spend too much time socializing with our neighbor, it may cause them to be tired of seeing you. We see something along the same lines in I Timothy 5:13 also where Paul is telling the young widows not to be idle as that may cause them to be busybodies and gossips. Any time we (especially women) are idle, the outcome is not good. We must learn to be good wives and mothers. Those of us who are single need to keep busy also, living to please the Lord. In the modern age of technology that we live in this may also mean keeping out of other people's business via social media. We need to grow up in Messiah and live a life that is pleasing to him.

Application - As a working mother, it is imperative that I try to use my time to bring glory to G-d. Life is so hectic for me that I hardly have time to visit anyone. But if I do, it is so important to not get involved in their business. Sometimes we need to work through some things in life. This may cause us to feel the need to share with others. Just try to remember that when someone is sharing something with you, they don't always want a solution. Maybe they just need someone to listen as they talk through it. 

Prayer - Father, I know my thoughts are a bit scattered tonight, but you know my heart. Help me to be pleasing to you in my workplace and at home. I trust you, your Word, and the working of the Holy Spirit in my life. Let me be careful to mind my own business as I have enough on my own plate. Let my life shine for you. In Yeshua's name. Amen.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

What Manner of Person Should I Be?

Scripture - James 1:22-27  Don’t deceive yourselves by only hearing what the Word says, but do it!23 For whoever hears the Word but doesn’t do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror, 24 who looks at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. 25 But if a person looks closely into the perfect Torah, which gives freedom, and continues, becoming not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work it requires, then he will be blessed in what he does.
26 Anyone who thinks he is religiously observant but does not control his tongue is deceiving himself, and his observance counts for nothing. 27 The religious observance that God the Father considers pure and faultless is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being contaminated by the world.

Observation - This passage is jam packed full of nuggets. James says it differently than the other writers of the New Testament. He holds us accountable for how we live our lives out each day. He tells of the importance of not only hearing the Word of Yahweh, but carrying out what we learn when we read it. In this version, The Complete Jewish Bible, we can see a more Hebraic way to look at verse 25. This verse confirms the fact that the perfect Torah gives freedom. What does this mean. I believe it means that as we walk along in life between the fence lines of Yahweh's instruction manual, we will find freedom. If we live life His way, we will know how to walk.

Also, it is clear that we are to care for orphans and widows. And watch our sharp tongues. 

Application - We must continue to read God's word so that we will know the expectations he has for us. In order to walk it out, it is important to ask the Ruach (Holy Spirit) to help us. Without his help, it is impossible. And lastly, we must stop making excuses for our shortcomings. I, for one, have a tendency to be sharp-tongued. This is not acceptable to God and may be hurtful to others around me.

Prayer - Father, I pray that your Holy Spirit will empower me to live a life worthy of your calling. As I read your Word, please enlighten me to areas of my life that are not pleasing to you. Help me to look for opportunities to serve you as I walk through my days. Make me sensitive to the calling of the Ruach Hakodesh (Holy Spirit). Help me to realize that I may be the only Yeshua that someone will see today. And if that is true, what manner of woman should I be? In Yeshua's name. Amen.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Scripture - Psalms 30:11-12
You turned my lament into dancing;
You removed my sackcloth
and clothed me with gladness,
12 so that I can sing to You and not be silent.
Lord my God, I will praise You forever.

Observation - Unlike the popular prosperity teachers who would like you to think that all you have to do is come to Yeshua (Jesus) and life will be wonderful, we see truth in this passage. There will be times of mourning or lamenting (to feel or express sorrow or regret for). In reality brothers and sisters, bad things do happen to the people of Yahweh. People get sick, people die, go through financial difficulties, etc. There are even those who give their lives because of their faith. 

But one thing is for certain, the Lord gives us his gladness in every situation. Always remember that whatever you are going through is a temporary condition. The trial will pass. Only He knows the length of the time of the trials we endure. If the Lord is in charge of your life, you can trust Him. And when the circumstances subside, YOU WILL DANCE AGAIN! Halleluyah!

Application - If you are in a time of trial, realize that in Yahweh everything has a beginning and an end. Praise Him. Even if it seems impossible - lift your hands, raise your voice, and sing to your King! Keep your eyes on Him. He won't let you down. Keep on trusting Him even though it is hard. Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you and comfort you. He will never leave you nor forsake you.

Prayer - Thank you Father for every situation that you have allowed in my life. Even though to my natural eyes they were painful, I know that you have used them to  cause me to grow to new levels of spiritual maturity. I pray that my brothers and sisters who read this will know that you love them so very much. Heal the broken spirits and bodies. Bring your rest for weary souls. Cause us to sing your praises and dance in your wonderful light. In Yeshua's name. Amen.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Scripture John 8 - 3Then the scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman caught in adultery, making her stand in the center. “Teacher,” they said to Him, “this woman was caught in the act of committing adultery. In the law Moses commanded us to stone such women. So what do You say?” They asked this to trap Him, in order that they might have evidence to accuse Him.
Jesus stooped down and started writing on the ground with His finger. When they persisted in questioning Him, He stood up and said to them, “The one without sin among you should be the first to throw a stone at her.”
Then He stooped down again and continued writing on the ground. When they heard this, they left one by one, starting with the older men. Only He was left, with the woman in the center. 10 When Jesus stood up, He said to her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”
11 “No one, Lord,”[a] she answered.

“Neither do I condemn you,” said Jesus. “Go, and from now on do not sin 

Observation - As humans, we find it very easy to point our finger at someone else's flawed life. This we do mostly to take the focus off our inadequacies. We see this in education each day as we deal with children. No one wants their sins or flaws exposed. And yet  whatever Yeshua wrote on the ground with his finger was enough for the men to turn in shame and exit the very presence of the Son of God. The woman was the only one left on the scene. And even so, Yeshua didn't leave her totally off the hook for her sins.

He called her to come up higher out of her lifestyle. She was an adulteress to the core. But he didn't just tell her to say the sinner's prayer and be on her way. Yeshua calls her to "Go, and from now on do not sin anymore." This is very key to the days that we are living in. We know that Yeshua died for us so that we might live. But this is not an license to sin. 

Application - I must not point my finger at anyone else's sins and shortcomings. That is not my job in this life. People have come from different backgrounds and it will take the touch of a loving, gracious, God to draw them out of their pits. In my life, it is imperative that I live a life that is pleasing to Him with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. If I don't know how, he has given me his manual, the Bible. It is my duty as a believer to seek Him and ask his Holy Spirit to illuminate His path for my life. Also, it is important to pray for others who are entangled in various sins.

Prayer - Father, I pray that you will lead me through this life by Your Word and your Holy Spirit. Thank you for Yeshua and the grace that was bestowed on me - a dirty sinner. I will be ever grateful for your love. Please help me to lead a life that is worthy of the gift of your son, Yeshua. Amen.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

+Adriana Bell +Lev Shelo +AbiYah Chiles  My new blog site

I went to Bible study tonight and we are using the SOAP format. Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer. Here is what the Holy Spirit deposited as I read. I pray that it will minister to someone.

Scripture - I John 2:3-5 The way we can be sure we know him is if we are obeying his commands. Anyone who says, “I know him,” but isn’t obeying his commands is a liar — the truth is not in him. But if someone keeps doing what he says, then truly love for God has been brought to its goal in him. This is how we are sure that we are united with him.

Observation - We live in a society that doesn't like to follow rules. The commandments that were given provide a fence of protection for those who will choose to live inside the fence. The letter of the law (if followed without the Holy Spirit living inside a person) kills. But, if we will listen to the still small voice of the Spirit of the Living God, we know we should follow His rules and live life His way.

Application - My life is not my own. If I choose to live in his protection, I must apply His instructions to my daily situations. He never changes. Yeshua paid the price for my salvation. I have a choice to accept or reject his gift. If I accept him, I still have many choices to make each day.  Choosing to do life under the umbrella of his instructions is essential to my shalom (nothing missing, nothing broken).

Prayer - Father, thank you for giving me life in Yeshua. I ask you to help us to remember that it would have been enough to be saved. But, after accepting the gift of salvation, there is a life to live within his fence.

Blessings to all who hear his voice.