Sunday, August 25, 2013

Too Many Visits and Too Much Honey

Scripture - Proverbs 25:16, 17  If you find honey, eat only what you need;
    for if you eat too much of it, you may throw it up;
17 so don’t visit your neighbor too much,
    or he may get his fill of you and come to hate you.

Observation - I have contemplated on this verse many times in my life. It uses the analogy of eating too much honey and visiting your neighbor too much. When we eat too much honey, it makes us sick. In much the same way when we spend too much time socializing with our neighbor, it may cause them to be tired of seeing you. We see something along the same lines in I Timothy 5:13 also where Paul is telling the young widows not to be idle as that may cause them to be busybodies and gossips. Any time we (especially women) are idle, the outcome is not good. We must learn to be good wives and mothers. Those of us who are single need to keep busy also, living to please the Lord. In the modern age of technology that we live in this may also mean keeping out of other people's business via social media. We need to grow up in Messiah and live a life that is pleasing to him.

Application - As a working mother, it is imperative that I try to use my time to bring glory to G-d. Life is so hectic for me that I hardly have time to visit anyone. But if I do, it is so important to not get involved in their business. Sometimes we need to work through some things in life. This may cause us to feel the need to share with others. Just try to remember that when someone is sharing something with you, they don't always want a solution. Maybe they just need someone to listen as they talk through it. 

Prayer - Father, I know my thoughts are a bit scattered tonight, but you know my heart. Help me to be pleasing to you in my workplace and at home. I trust you, your Word, and the working of the Holy Spirit in my life. Let me be careful to mind my own business as I have enough on my own plate. Let my life shine for you. In Yeshua's name. Amen.

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