Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Inner Circle Relationships

Scripture - John 2:25 Jesus did not need anyone to tell him about people, because he knew what was in people's minds.

Observation - Jesus did miracles at the Passover feast and many believed. After doing the miracles, Jesus said he did not trust himself to them because he knew them all. He knew people's characters Jesus had a small group of 12 disciples that he had close relationship with (and even one of those betrayed him). Jesus walked with Father Yahweh and carefully chose the men in his inner circle of fellowship. They were the ones he trusted. Jesus knew the character of the people. Perhaps they were seeking after miracles, not really wanting an intimate relationship with God.

Application - We need to be careful who we allow in our inner circle of friends. There are those whose characters are so flawed that they will make us lose site of the important things in life like knowing God. We must surround ourselves with others who are learning God's heart.

Prayer - Lord, help me to discern my inner circle of friends. Let your work through me manifest miracles to those in need. Feed me by your Word and love. Give me discernment and wisdom. Amen.

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