Sunday, January 5, 2014

Do You Want to Be Healed?

Scripture - John 5:7 the sick man answered Yeshua, "Sir, I have no man to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up, but while I am coming, another steps down before me."

Observation - Yeshua healed this man who had been ill for 38 years. The man was helpless in his situation. The only hope he had was to try to get into the pool when the angel stirred up the waters, but someone always got in before him due to his condition. He still had hope for his healing or he wouldn't have even bothered to sit by the water. He was waiting for his turn for a miracle. Looking in the natural, there was no hope for him. Then Yeshua came by. When the King of Glory entered the scene, the man was healed. All the others at the pool had some sense of self-sufficiency, but this man could not help himself until he met Yeshua, Yeshua stepped in and did for him what he couldn't do for himself.

Application - There are circumstances and situations in people's live that can only change when Jesus (Yeshua) comes into their life. Yeshua asked, "Do you want to get well?" There are many people who need to answer, "Yes" like the man at the pool. The circumstances say it is impossible, but when Yeshua arrives on the scene, the situations change. WE must allow Yeshua into our helpless situations to bring healing.

Prayer - Lord, help me. I am helpless. I have hope and faith in you. I can not change the people around me who need you and seem to not even be looking for you. But I know when they are helpless in their situations, if they ask you, you will heal them. I pray for my children who don't serve you. Lord, please make them helpless if necessary, that they will look to you. Amen.

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