Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Listen to Yahuwah

S - Amos 3:6,7 When trouble comes to a city, the Yahuwah has caused it. Before Yahuwah does anything, he tells his plans to his servants the prophets.

O - We need to tune in to what the true prophets of Yah are saying. The false ones are giving messages of how you can gain more wealth. The true propets, however, are telling us to discern the times we are living in. We are living in the end times according to Yah's prophets and we need to be prepared.

A - I need to discern the true voice of Yahuwah. He is still speaking to us. He will always warn His people before he does anything on the earth. I need to stay prayed up and listening for his voice.

P - Father, I thank you that you are speaking through your leaders regarding things to come. The earthquakes, storms, etc. were all spoken of in your Word. Let us seek you regarding preparation for the end times. Amen.

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