Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Be Fair

Scripture - II Chron. 19:7 Watch what you do, because the Lord our God wants people to be fair. He wants all people to be treated the same, and he doesn't want decisions influenced by money.

Observation - Our government should be run according to these principles; but unfortunately because of greed, people can be bought. They may even change their vote if there is money involved. We live in a society that continually asks "What's in it for me?" We can be easily bought. Even if something is right, maybe the people won't support it if there is monetary gain in a different arena.

Application - I must make decisions in my life that are according to the righteousness of God and his Word.

Prayer - Lord, help me to seek to do your will not only when there is something in it for me, but just because it is right. Amen.

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