Friday, September 20, 2013

Helping is Scriptural - Enabling is Not

I Timothy 5:8 Whoever does not care for his own relatives, especially his own family members, has turned against the faith and is worse than someone who does not believe in Yahweh.

Observation - Why do we care for them? Is it because we agree with them or the lives they live? No, we care for them because they are family. When we see a family member in need, we should attempt to help them.

Application - If any of my family members are truly in need, I am to help them. In the day that we live in, there are so many people who make bad choices regarding finances. When I originally wrote this post, I had a different view. I agree that we are to help them, but not be in codependent relationships with anyone. There is a fine line friends between true needs and someone riding out the consequences of bad choices.

Prayer - Father, help me to help my family members who have true needs, and help me to discern between helping and enabling. Amen.

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