Thursday, September 19, 2013

Truth vs. Wrong Doctrines

Scripture - I Timothy 4:1,2 Now the Holy Spirit clearly says that in the later times some people will stop believing the faith. They will follow spirits that lie and teachings of demons. Such teachings come from the false words of liars.

Observation - We are living in these later times spoken of here. There are so many wrong teachings today. Even so, we must hold fast to our faith - the true faith. We must measure teachings by God's Word to know if they are true. We can not just take one scripture and base our whole felief system on it. We must look at the complete context of the Word.

Application - I will search the scriptures daily so I won't be deceived and pray for wisdom from the Lord.

Prayer - Father, please help me to walk in faith and truth. Impart wisdom to me. Amen.

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