Thursday, September 5, 2013

I'm Free

Scripture - Col. 2:11 It was through Christ's circumcision, that is, his death, that you were made free from the power of your sinful self.

Observation - I can't overcome the power of sin in my life in my own strength. What Yeshua did for me, by giving his life, is the only way. It is all about what he did for me. I trust in him and I am set free from sins and strongholds in my life.

Application - I will not live in the past other than to look back to the love Yeshua has for me. He died to set me free. It is not by any works that I do; it is only by the one work He did by dying for my sins that I am free.

Prayer - Thank you, Father for the finished work of Yeshua. He paid the price whith his blood. He laid down his life so I can be free - free from my sinful self. Amen.

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