Saturday, September 7, 2013

Life is Hectic - But God

We really live in a stress-filled society. Life is so very hectic. Running here and there. Working so hard that you can hardly breathe. Somehow I don't think this is the way it was meant to be. Women were really sold a bad bill of goods. Instead of staying home and taking care of our children, someone thought it a better idea to go to work to make more money. This way you can pay someone else to basically raise your children. But Yahweh gave those children to you - not to the caregiver that you pay so well.

Who suffers for this whole turn-around society? We all do. First of all, our children suffer. When I was a child, I was secure knowing that routines were daily. You went to school, then you had a snack when you got home. Homework was next. Practicing the piano for 1/2 hour daily was next on the list. Then there were chores to do. Last of all, there was play. Everyone worked together to keep the household up and running. But there was a Mom there to make sure that everything ran as smoothly as possible. This is not the way in today's world and we wonder why we have so many children who can't focus in school. Dah!

Then the mothers suffer also. They are burning the candle at both ends. We are trying to work a 40 hour week outside the home, and still keep up with chores in the home. Add a commute to the mix of an hour and a half daily. Who cooks dinner? Who makes sure the kids homework is completed?

But I must not dwell on the things that I cannot change.  I must focus on God and the many good things he has given to me. Life is hectic, but I am His child. He gives me rest one day out of seven. He fills my heart with his wonderful love. He has blessed me with an amazing husband and eight beautiful children. He has blessed me with 13 awesome grandchildren. And He gives me strength to make it through the trials of this life. What more could I ask for?

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