Sunday, September 29, 2013

God Wants More Than a Song

Scripture - Amos 5:23,24 Take the noise of your songs away from me! I won't listen to the music of your harps. But let justice flow like a river, and let goodness flow like a stream that never stops.

Observation - God doesn't just want lip service from His people. He wants action. Websters dictionary:

justice - the condition of being just or fair 2) reward or punishment as deserved 3) the upholding of what is just or lawful 4) to treat people in a fair or proper way

goodness - the condition of being good
good - better than the usual or average kind (good work) 2) not for everyday use; best 3) right for the purpose; satisfactory 4) pleasing or satisfying; enjoyable or happy 5) helpful, that benefits (exercise for good health) 6) doing what is right or proper; well behaved 7) kind or friendly 7) honorable or respected

Application - What manner of people does God expect his children to be? Those who practice justice and goodness. Let us learn to walk in his ways.

Prayer - Let us not just sing songs to you Lord, but let our lives reflect the very essence of who you are. Amen!

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