Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Once Separated - Now Friends

Scripture - Col. 1:21 At one time you were separated from God. You were His enemies in your minds, and the evil things you did were against Yahweh. But now Yahweh has made you His friends again. He did this through Christ's death...

Observation - I can remember in my life before I met Jesus (Yeshua) that I was very much separated from God. Many years ago my life was full of evil. I did not walk with God. Then someone shared with me how I could be a friend of God's. This hope is through faith in what Christ did for me out of love when he died on the cross from my sin. My life was forever changed.

Application - There are many lost people who need to hear how they can be God's friends. We must share what Yeshua did on the cross for them.

Prayer - Father, help us show others the way. Amen!

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