Saturday, September 21, 2013


I Timothy 6:9,10 Those who want to become rich bring temptation to themselves and are caught in a trap. They want many foolish and harmful things that ruin and destroy people. The love of money causes all kinds of evil. Some people have left the faith because they wanted to get more money, but they have caused themselves much sorrow.

Observation - Having money isn't all it is cracked up to be. There are more important things in life. In verse 11 it does on to say, "live in the right way, serve God, have faith, love patience, and gentleness." We are not to seek after riches. It will use all of our energy in life. We must use our energy to seek after the Lord. Many people who used to feed their spirit in church, no longer attend either because of greed or just wanting to engage in recreational activities that consume their lives.

Application - Stay focused on God and follow Him - not riches.

Prayer - Lord, help me to follow after you. Let not riches contry my existence. Let me be content with what you have blessed me with. Amen.

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