Thursday, September 12, 2013

Walking on His Path through Temptation

S - James 1:12  How blessed is the man who perseveres through temptation! For after he has passed the test, he will receive as his crown the Life which God has promised to those who love him.

O - Why is it that the temptations and tests we face in this life seem so huge to us? We, as believers, have the knowledge of right and wrong. We want to follow Yahweh and keep on his path. But the flesh just keeps rearing its ugly head and so often, we give in. Oh, we know there is forgiveness, but the consequences of sin leave their ugly scars on our lives. Is it because we don't take the Lord seriously? Does the Holy Spirit convict us before we sin? Do we not listen to him?

A - The closer that I walk to the Lord, the less temptation I will have to do wrong. It is a narrow path that leads to life and Yeshua said there will be few who find it. I want to walk on that narrow path and receive the crown of Life. I believe there are different levels in heaven. Salvation isn't based on works, but what if the place you end up in heaven depends on how you walk on this earth?

P - Father, please help me to walk out your will for me in this life. Lead me not in temptation. Deliver me from evil. My spirit is willing to follow you, but my flesh is so weak. Build me up in your Ruach Hakodesh so that I don't sin against you. You are all that I have in this life. People may fail me, but your love never fails. In Yeshua's name. Amen.

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