Wednesday, August 21, 2013

+Adriana Bell +Lev Shelo +AbiYah Chiles  My new blog site

I went to Bible study tonight and we are using the SOAP format. Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer. Here is what the Holy Spirit deposited as I read. I pray that it will minister to someone.

Scripture - I John 2:3-5 The way we can be sure we know him is if we are obeying his commands. Anyone who says, “I know him,” but isn’t obeying his commands is a liar — the truth is not in him. But if someone keeps doing what he says, then truly love for God has been brought to its goal in him. This is how we are sure that we are united with him.

Observation - We live in a society that doesn't like to follow rules. The commandments that were given provide a fence of protection for those who will choose to live inside the fence. The letter of the law (if followed without the Holy Spirit living inside a person) kills. But, if we will listen to the still small voice of the Spirit of the Living God, we know we should follow His rules and live life His way.

Application - My life is not my own. If I choose to live in his protection, I must apply His instructions to my daily situations. He never changes. Yeshua paid the price for my salvation. I have a choice to accept or reject his gift. If I accept him, I still have many choices to make each day.  Choosing to do life under the umbrella of his instructions is essential to my shalom (nothing missing, nothing broken).

Prayer - Father, thank you for giving me life in Yeshua. I ask you to help us to remember that it would have been enough to be saved. But, after accepting the gift of salvation, there is a life to live within his fence.

Blessings to all who hear his voice.

1 comment:

  1. I love the phrase, "nothing missing; nothing broken". It goes to the crux of the matter. I want His shalom....what am I willing to do to stand under that umbrella? Brings a whole new incentive to look at Torah with fresh eyes. Is it really "legalistic" as its been accused of being for so long, or is it a fence to run to and dwell in for safety and shalom? Could His word and all His set of "rules" really be the shadow of His wings? Hmmm....

    Very insightful comments, Stephanie.
