Saturday, August 31, 2013

Sin and a Curling Iron - Dogs and Faith

So, this week had trials for me. Sometimes life is full of them. There are spiritual lessons to be gleaned from trials in our lives. The first thing that happened to me was that I got burnt by my curling iron on Tuesday. As my arm (by the elbow) was grazed by the hot iron, I thought it would be okay. But, after three days of having a bandaid and neosporin on it, the healing process just wasn't happening. So, on Friday evening, I headed to the urgent care. The doctor said it was infected and prescribed some antibiotics.

Life lesson - The curling iron was an external force foreign to my body. Even though it has its purpose, if not used correctly, it can cause harm. Sometimes we let external forces influence us and they cause us spiritual harm. Just like I thought my arm would be okay, the heat of the iron caused damage. The full blown infection wasn't seen for a few days. I tried using external medication and covering it to expedite the healing process. But once infection had entered, it needed treatment from internal medicine. This is so much like sin in our lives. We try to cover it up (as with the bandaid) and heal it from the outside. But the healing must come from the Holy Spirit moving inside our very being and ridding us of the organisms that have entered due to carelessness and neglect.

The second thing that happened was that there was a thunder storm. We live in the desert, so it doesn't rain much. But when it does, there is usually alot of thunder, lightening, and wind. We have three dogs; Paco, Hope, and Gizmo. Paco is a black chow mix and gets totally freaked out by storms and wind. He has, on several occasions, chewed through wood fences and even door jams because of his fear. Hope is a white elderly poodle who is deaf and doesn't have many teeth left. Gizzy is the ugliest dog I have ever seen, but he is lovable. He is part chihuahua. When the wind started to blow and the storm was upon them, Paco just wanted out of the situation. Because he was so fearful, he rammed the gate open to the front yard. This made it so that all of the dogs were out of the backyard. Paco and Gizzy had enough sense to stay in the front yard, but Hope (who has always tried to get out of the yard and run) ran off. It is over 24 hours since she left, and we don't know where she is. Hopefully the pound picked her up and we will check after the weekend.

Life lesson - If you can think of the dogs as people (which I know they are not), there is a lesson here. Paco was totally motivated by fear, and it affected Hope's destiny. We, as believers in Yeshua (Jesus), must not be motivated by fear. Our faith is key to our destiny. So, just remember to walk in faith. And if you need more, you can find it in the Word of God. Faith comes by hearing the Word of God.

Be blessed brothers and sisters. Hopefully this ministers to someone.

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