Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Hope for the Nation and the Church

From Pat's Pen (my husband is the author of this one)

Scripture - I Samuel 8:5 And they said to him, "Behold you have grown old and your sons do not walk in your ways. Now appoint a king for us to judge us like all nations."

Observation - The novelty of God's work through Samuel had grown old in Israel. The people could not see God's vision for their future - but they were all too aware of what the other nations were doing. They desired to do and to have, not what God wanted for them, but what the other nations did and what they had.

Application - There is an application for the church and for the nation from this. 1. Nation - this country is based on a representative democratic principle - people rule. As long as that people felt personally answerable to God, society could benefit from such a system. With God taken more and more out of society, the values which His presence ensured are removed. Values, which controlled a peoples vices and built up their virtues, are eliminated. After all the layers are stripped away, the rule of God is spurned for a submission to Satan. 2. Church (congregation) - the church tends to gravitate to novelty. Unfortunately, novelty more often than not tends to be how popular society/culture expresses itself. Our behavior (and programs) becomes indistinguishable from the world. Our sanctity and separation is non-existent. If the message of salvation begins appearing old and worn and boring, it is tweaked to be more acceptable. It should be US being "tweaked" so that we are more acceptable (or conformed) to what Yahweh wants us to be.

Prayer - God - your wisdom surpasses all mans' vain attempts of thought. Your intention are all for the good while my own heart is constantly prone to evil. Reveal your wisdom to me, to guide my own path and to give me words to speak in the teaching of others. I will have no other kings or gods before you. Where does my help come from - from You my God and King.

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