Saturday, August 31, 2013

Under a New Priesthood - Yeshua

Scripture - I Kings 13:33  After this incident, King Jeroboam did not stop doing evil. He continued to choose priests for the places of worship from among all the people. Anyone who wanted to be a priest for the places of worship was allowed to be one. In this way the family of Jeroboam sinned, and this sin caused its ruin and destruction from the earth.

Observation - Just because a person wanted to be a priest wasn't a good enough reason in God's eyes. God had standards for the priests in the temple. He required holiness and the person had to be above reproach to serve and they had to be born into the bloodline of the priests.

Application - We are saved through the bloodline of Yeshua. We can serve the Lord without condemnation. We are supposed to press on and follow the Lord until our destiny has been reached. So brothers and sisters, continue to follow Yahweh.

Prayer - Father, thank you that I can serve you in worship - not because of who I am or what I have done. It is only through what Yeshua accomplished on the cross that I can go into the place of worship and lead others in that place. Amen.

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