Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Want to be Happy?

Scripture - I Peter 3:10
A person must do these things to enjoy life and have many happy days. He must not say evil things and he must not tell lies. He must stop doing evil and do good. He must look for peace and work for it. The Lord sees good people and listens to their prayers. But the Lord is against those who do evil.

Observation - This is a nugget of truth from the Lord telling us that if we do these things, we will enjoy life and be happy. God wants us happy. He says to stay away from speaking evil and telling lies. Consequences of that behavior lead to living a life full of strife and contention.

Application - I will not speak evil and tell lies. I will look for peace. I will do good to people as opportunities arise.

Prayer - Lord, help me to keep guard over my tongue. Help me to work toward peace. Help me to do good and not evil. Amen

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