Sunday, October 13, 2013

Our High Priest

S- Hebrews 7:24 But because Yeshua (Jesus) lives forever, he will never stop serving as priest. So, he is able always to save those who come to God through him, because he always lives, asking God to help them.

O - Jesus is standing before the Father always making intercession for those who belong to him. He prays and intercedes on our behalf. He asks God to help us.

A - I must live with Jesus first in my life. I must trust him as my high priest and Lord. He stands before the Father on my behalf.

P - Lord, thank you for sending Jesus to die for my sin. Thank you that he comes before you on my behalf and you send help my way. Amen.

Jesus paid the price for us. He laid down his life, so that we could be saved and inherit eternal life with him. Everyone has eternal life, but only those who trust Yeshua can be secure in their destination. If you don't know him today, pray and ask him to reveal himself to you and trust him with your life. We are his children and are called out of this present darkness to his marvelous light. Whatever your circumstances, turn to him today. He is not like a genie. I am not guaranteeing that your problems will go away. But he will change you and walk with you through whatever you are going through. He will give you strength and peace. That's worth more than anything in this life.

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