Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Faith and God's Word

S - Hebrews 4:2 The Good News was preached to us just as it was to them. But the teaching they heard did not help them because they heard it but did not accept it with faith.

O - You must have faith to walk in the teachings of God's Word. There are those who hear the Word and accept it. Then, there are those who hear God's Word and don't get it. In order for God's Word to help us, we have to have faith. Faith comes by hearing God's Word. When I hear His Word and have His faith, I am changed.

A - Ask the Lord for faith so that when you hear His Word, it can help you.

P - I pray for greater faith, Lord, so that I will accept your Word, and it will help me. Change my heart and enlarge my faith walk so that I will be changed. Amen

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