Saturday, October 5, 2013

Pay Attention to Yeshua's Words

Scripture - Hebrews 1:1 In the past, God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets many times and in many different ways. But now, in these last days, God has spoken to us through his Son.

Observation - There is a new way to hear God. Before Christ was born, God spoke differently. After Yeshua's life on earth, God speaks to us through Yeshua and his words. I think if we were to focus more on what Yeshua said and "follow him" we would be much better off. There is confusion sometimes in what others' spoke, but with him, it is simple to understand and clearly stated.

Application - I must pay special attention to Yeshua's words and learn his ways. He came to this earth as the Son of Yah. He was born to Mary through the Holy Spirit. His Words should be taken as the Holy Word of Yahuwah. They are very important Friends.

Prayer - Father, help me to be more like your Son by learning his ways and following him.

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