Saturday, October 12, 2013

Patience When We Pray to The God Who Answers Prayer

I wrote this on July 7, 2006 and am amazed as I look back at how the Lord answered. We were living in San Bernardino at the time. Our daughter was in 5th grade and I wanted to move because I wanted her to be in a better location starting in middle school. Wow, how he answered. In April 2008, we moved to Victorville. He provided a beautiful home for us to live in and our daughter is attending a performing arts charter school where her education is affording her opportunity to advance in her dreams. He is truly the God who hears and answers prayer. We had to believe that he would hear us - AND HE DID.

S - Hebrews 6:12 We do not want you to become lazy. Be like those who through faith and patience will receive what God has promised.

O - I have a part in receiving what God has promised. First of all, I must believe that he will do what he promised. Second, I must keep believing and be patient.

A - I believe God wants to move us to a better location. I will wait and keep believing.

P - Lord, let me not lose heart while I wait on your placement for us. Amen

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