Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Trust Him

Scripture - Psalms 115:11 You who respect the Lord should trust him; he is your helper and your protection.

Observation -This scripture starts out "You who respect the Lord..." First of all this verse is speaking to a particular group of people - those who respect the Lord.How do you know if you are one who respects him. I believe this is quite simple. Those who respect him keep his commandments. When you keep his commandments, you may partake of this promise.

 I must always remember to trust God. He is the one who helps me and protects me. This is true when I am fearful and also when I don't feel fear. God is always there for me. All I have to do is call on him.

Application - Let me be counted as one who respects the Lord. I will keep his commandments the best that I can. I know I am not perfect and that it is only by the blood of Yeshua (Jesus) that I am saved. But after that salvation, I have a responsibility to live a life worthy of his calling. I will trust God to help me and protect me.

Prayer - Father, I pray that I may trust you at all times and in every situation. Let your peace rule and reign in my heart. Amen.

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