Thursday, December 26, 2013

Light of the Lord vs. Man-made Light

Scripture - Isaiah 50:11 But instead, some of you want to light your own fires and make your own light. So, go, walk in the light of your fires and trust in your own light to guide you. But this is what you will receive from me: You will lie down in a place of pain.

Observation - We can either walk in God's way or light or in our own way or light. When we walk with God, we will have peace; but when we walk in our own light (understanding), we will have pain. I must walk in the light of God's fire.

Application - I must not make my own fires or light. I must walk in the light of the Lord. I must stay on the path He chooses for me.

Prayer - Father, help me to walk in your light for my life. Help me to not seek my own will or way for my life. Help me not to push doors open that may be closed for a reason. Let me walk in your way. Amen.

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