Thursday, December 19, 2013

Changed by His Word

Scripture - James 1:21  Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.

Observation - As believers, it is imperative that we keep ourselves in check. We must not let our carnal nature rule us. In order to live a life of faith and walk according to the Spirit of God, we must take His word and plant it in our hearts. It is so easy to walk according to the flesh - it comes naturally. But to walk by the Spirit takes work. There is that word that no one likes to hear - WORK. Oh, some may be saying right now - but salvation is free and is by grace. True. And if you only want to go as far as receiving salvation, then you can stop right there. But....if you want to live your life by the Holy Spirit of the Living God, it will take much work. 

Application - So today, if you hear his voice, heed the call. Plant the Word of God inside your heart that you might not sin against Him. Learn (by the Word) what manner of person you ought to be, and pursue Him with all of your heart. It is all right there - written in His book.

Prayer - Father, help me to keep my flesh in check and follow after you. Be with me as I journey to know you more and seek your will for my life. May your Word be a light unto my path and may your Holy Spirit illuminate so that I can see. In Yeshua's name. Amen.

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