Saturday, July 26, 2014

Spiritual/Physical Fitness

Today my family went to the gym. We have been trying to go more frequently after paying for gym memberships that have hardly been used over the past three years. As I was sitting on the stationary bike, I felt like the Ruach (Holy Spirit) gave me a little insight.

I am about 20 lbs. overweight right now. It didn't happen in a day, week, or even a year. It happened little by little throughout my life. Yes, I have delivered six babies, the youngest is 16. So, there that could be an  excuse, right??? Not. Bottom line friends, the weight I have put on is due to a lack of discipline and pure laziness. I lack the discipline to put the right foods into my body, which is the temple of the Holy Spirit. The laziness factor comes into the picture because I just don't feel like exercising. Let's all be honest with ourselves, that is the truth.

So while I was sitting on the bike, it occurred to me that as goes the physical, so goes the spiritual. As believers in Yeshua (Jesus), the church has many body parts that are out of shape. Some just a little out of shape and some are way out of shape. The same contributing factors are in the equation for the spiritual as the physical. The body of Messiah is not fit because of a lack of discipline and pure laziness. We are saved through the blood of Yeshua, but God has work for us to do. And we won't be able to do it unless we are physically and spiritually fit. Do you see the word "discipline?" It should remind us all that we are to be disciples of the Lord. Are we reading His Word and praying? Are we in fellowship with other believers? If not, it is time to start. The time is getting short. We have work to do church!!! People living in darkness need to see the light, and we are the light!

I would like to encourage you to get spiritually fit starting today. Just take baby steps! Just like going to the gym. I didn't put the extra weight on all at once and it will take some time to take it off. Getting spiritually fit will take time and work also! So with that being said - shine the Light!!!

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