Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Walk Out Your Calling

Scripture - I Samuel 3:15 - So Samuel lay down until morning. Then he opened the doors to the house of the Lord, but Samuel was afraid to tell the vision to Eli.

Observation - God had spoken to Samuel regarding Eli's poor parenting skills. Samuel didn't have peace in giving the message to Eli. He actually was full of fear. I don't think it was something he desired to do, yet he was the one the Yahweh chose and called as a prophet.

Application - If God calls you to a ministry, you may have to come out of your comfort zone. You may actually experience fear as you walk out your ministry calling. Yet God will be with you if you start.

Prayer  Father, let us walk in your calling even if we are fearful. Be with us as we go and minister. Amen.

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