Friday, May 29, 2015

Every Person Has a Part in the Vision

While I was watering the grass this evening, some thoughts went through my mind. I work as a secretary in an elementary school. It takes a group of people all doing their part in order to see the vision come to pass. The vision is to educate a community (which is in a very low income area).

We have a wonderful principal who holds the vision before his eyes daily and is compelled to see it come to fruition. He passes on his enthusiasm day in and day out to those who are on his staff. There are several people who have been picked to fulfill this vision. Teachers, counselor, program facilitator, cafeteria workers, office staff, recreational aides, noon duties, library aide, instructional aides, etc. It truly takes a village to raise the children that the Lord has placed in our care for a season.

Sometimes we have substitutes in various positions. We have had subs for our library aide and attendance verifier recently. Substitutes pick up for the position when someone is either absent or there is a vacancy. They are very important to school sites. If they aren't there, others have to pick up the work load and they are put into "survival mode." Instead of being focused on the vision, they have to focus on "making it through the day." If a person commits to a position as a sub, it is really important that they come to work.

Maybe if a person only has three hours in a position, they think they aren't needed. Wrong. The school struggles to run effectively without that person on board. We recently had one of our substitutes not show up to work for a couple of weeks due to them having a  job elsewhere that took precedence. It is the end of the school year, and that person had a very important role to play in closing out the school year. But they either didn't know it or didn't care. Without going into any further explanation, all this is to say that every person is crucial in the making of a positive environment.

In the same way, believers in Yeshua, need to know that they are important in the body. It doesn't matter how small the task is that they complete. Whether it is the prayer warrior,  pastor/teacher, worship team, sunday school teachers, person who cleans the church, etc. we all have a part to play in seeing the vision come to pass. If one person doesn't pull their weight in the God-given giftings and callings, the task may not get done so well. Other people may try to pick up that part of the load, but it will go back to "survival mode." We want the church to thrive!!! We have a job to do!! That job is to be the Light in a dark world - to find those who are in darkness and give them hope.

This vision will only be realized when the body of Messiah works as a Team. I hope this ministers to someone, somewhere. May the Lord bless and keep you in the palm of His hand.

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