Monday, February 25, 2019

February 25, 2019

Pondering - The Gathering Place

We attend a small church in San Bernardino, CA. Our physical address is in Victorville, CA. Some may wonder why we travel the 35 miles each week to worship. Sometimes I ask myself the same thing. But after yesterday's service, I KNOW WHY. It is because of the Holy Spirit of God. We are part of the worship team there, led by Qiana and Eric Lee. We have know them since they were teens. Did I tell you that is for over 22 years? They are family. We worship together and are part of each other's lives as we are with most of the family at the Gathering Place. When we started worship practice yesterday, it was a rough start. We practiced the songs to the best of our ability. But when service started, God's Spirit blew life into that worship that we didn't have. HE TOOK OVER! Our pastor, Larry Lee, was so anointed of the Lord in the things that he shared. He is a pastor who shares from his heart. He is not afraid to share his life experiences openly about his life before salvation, so you know that he is a real person who was radically saved! If you are ever in the San Bernardino area, please visit our church. We are a family. There aren't many of us, but the Spirit of God moves mightily among us! Shalom to all who read.

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