Saturday, August 13, 2016

We Ought Not Judge

I wrote this in 2013, but it is still good today - I am pondering and thinking through some things. If you are not a believer, this doesn't pertain to you. It seems as though when Yahweh is doing a work, there are always those who will be used of the enemy to thwart that work. Most of the people that the enemy uses operate out of hurt. They are hurt, so they lash out. If we dig deep enough into another person's life, we will find dirt. After all we are made from the dirt. Doing life in this dirty body is normal on this planet if we don't operate out of the Spirit Ruach. No one is perfect. We are all walking to know our Father better. We have no room to point fingers at another, because there are many pointing right back at us. Be careful, my brothers and sisters.

Sunday, July 31, 2016


Where do you find hope? It could be in the words of another person who speaks into your life. It is found in the words written on the pages of your Bible. It may be found in just a hug from a friend.

People in our society are walking through life without hope. If we are the ones who carry the very Spirit of the living God inside of us, we ought to be known as "hope givers." After all who better to give others hope than the ones who have received hope by the Holy Spirit. We are all sinners saved by grace. If you think back, there was a time in your life when you were without hope. Then the Lord sent someone your way to help you to believe that better days were ahead of you. They gave you hope.

One of the definitions of hope is - the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best. 

I am writing today to encourage you. Whatever your situation is, HAVE HOPE! Believe that as you trust the Lord, He will make your situation better. He is my hope! Pray, read the Word of God, believe, and have hope in the name of Yeshua (Jesus)!